My name is Nathalie Dubreu; I am an Energy Practitioner, Massage Therapist and Senior Yoga Teacher accredited by Yoga Alliance Professional UK, offering yoga teacher training, meridian stretching, massage therapy, and energy sessions.
For more than 25 years, I've been practicing energy (Qi) bodywork, with positive results in recovery, relaxation, and pain relief. With my experience in bodywork (yoga, pilates, dance, martial arts, medical Qigong) and broad studies of Chinese healing therapies, I published my first book, The Golden Chamber of Qi, in 2022 to assist yin yoga practitioners in deepening their practice. This beautifully illustrated Yin yoga manual demonstrates how to design Yin Yoga Qi Flow sequences that use mindful movements, still postures, Taoist visualisations, and breathing methods to rebalance your subtle body and uplift your energy for a better life. And more important: to understand what is energy (Qi).
My Story
Yin Yoga Qi Flow is a unique wellness- based concept on Eastern and Western mind-body traditions combining energy work and flowing movements based on the Chinese meridian system to re-balance the body's energy. The practice of energy (Qi) bodywork offers positive recovery, relaxation, and pain relief results.
I opened www.thewellbeingyogaschool.com in 2015, aiming to inspire yoga teachers and anyone who wants to become a yoga teacher to deepen their yoga practice. The school offers my experience of holistic therapy and energy healing through Vinyasa and Yin yoga teacher workshop courses. My yoga teacher training aims to create an energetic alignment that awakens mind, body and spirit within the dance of life on the mat. The concept has now spread, and other recognised teachers vetted by our organisation can teach it. However, In 2018, I had to stop teaching yoga full-time and massage therapy after discovering a congenital hip dysplasia and testing positive for HLAB27, a genetic disorder of the immune system causing joint inflammation. My practice of meridian stretching, Chinese medicine, and energy work allows me to stay young, manage pain, and maintain a positive spirit.
I am known for my calming energy and connection with the Divine. My meridian stretching bodywork and massage practice are enriched with Martial arts theory and Taoism philosophy. These healing techniques mix Chinese medicine, medical Qi-gong, Shaolin stretching, and Qi-massage (a type of Thai massage that stimulates the meridian system) through movements, acupressure, Reiki, and Qi-massage.
I am happy to share my teaching in my book, The Golden Chamber of Qi, and continue my energy and massage healing therapy, whether on-site or at a distance.
Feel free to get in touch, I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.