The Sacred Energy of Qi
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THE SACRED ENERGY OF QI, (EBOOK 1) will help you to understand what is energy (Qi) for your Yin classses. It explores the fascinating history of Taoist Chinese healing exercises as well as the sacred science of energy in all of its manifestations inspiring Yin Yoga Qi Flow classes.
History and philosophy of Qi’s TCM foundation (Traditional Chinese Medicine) at the root of meridian bodywork (Daoyin, QI-gong, Yi Jin Jing, Shiatsu, Yin yoga, Fluid Body).
Power of Qi, the science of vibrational energy from ancient China to new sciences, quantum physics and sound vibrations
Jing, Qi, Shen
Yin yang relationships with the body systems and the organs
The yin (Zang) and yang organs (Fu)
The extraordinary vessels
The three dantians
The six key points/ gate of energy
Be ready to create your own yin classes with extended knowledge on the power of the circulating Qi.